Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to Any Defenders

Every once in awhile some person or group of persons does something so obviously stupid that there never really is any true debate on it. This blog serves as a kind of last call for public defenders in these cases. On the off chance that offending person or idea has some sympathizers, somewhere, who are both clear-thinking and loyal enough not to mind looking a bit foolish, the matter is brought up here for debate before history renders its verdict.

I will usually announce new posts on my personal twitter account, looking for some feedback. If a post generates zero relevant comments, it is deemed to amount to a unanimous verdict of guilty.

The site's mascot is a cricket for obvious reasons.

Occasionally I may be wrong — that is, I may post something that seems stupid but for which there is an entirely good reason, in which case I will be the first to recant and proclaim the thing is something about which reasonable people may disagree. After all, the whole point of the trial is generally to insure the innocent is not unduly punished. I'm not interested in needless snark or cheap shots; only in ensuring that the thing is, in fact, indefensible, before consigning it to the dustbin — and I'll do my best to reflect that perspective in my tone.